Outsourcing risk management software tasks saves time and effort
Increased workloads, time pressures and lack of resources are major barriers to operating Risk Wizard software as desired. Delegating a range of regular and ad hoc tasks to Risk Wizard's online team ('Your Virtual Team') can overcome these barriers and improve data management processes and reporting. 'Your Virtual Team' service packages are tailored to suit and can be ad hoc or regular monthly services.
'Your Virtual Team' saves time
and frees up resources
Risk Wizard's online team of experts
help reduce workloads, saves time
and effort while improving the risk management process.
Outsource risk management system tasks to your 'Virtual Team' today.

Time pressured or short-staffed?Outsource tasks to Risk Wizard
Free up valuable time by having us carry out ad hoc or routine Risk Wizard software jobs.
We help with risk reporting, data organisaton, knowledge transfer, business improvement and much more.

Trusted online services provided
by experienced staff
Only Risk Wizard permanent staff with proven experience can provide 'Your Virtual Team' online services.
Dedicated team members ensure you receive the highest level of service continuity from people you can trust.

'Your Virtual Team' benefits

improved quality, reliability and timeliness of information

internal resources can be allocated more important tasks

process efficiencies gained through better use of software

guaranteed continuity of information management service

external team independent of internal operations/priorities

momentum of risk management process is maintained
Discover the range of risk management system services we can help free up

Dedicated personnel
Direct email/phone
Priority response
Archiving & cleansing
Updating & migrating
Sanity & health checks
Framework settings
Security privileges
User management
Training &
Activity (completed/planned)
Quality (gaps/exceptions)
Trends (actual/forecast)
Audience based webinars
Custom e-learning packs
Tailored software guides
Custom built reports
Period/audience reports
Tailored dashboards
Email templates
Escalation rules
Notification schedules

'Your Virtual Team' features

Tailored monthly
plans to suit

Discounted plans available

Wide range of services offered

Trusted, friendly domain experts

Dedicated, online support personnel

Secure, private information service

Ongoing software knowledge transfer

Information reporting efficiencies

Business process 'sounding board'